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Diamond Mohd Zulshukri & Hamidah Nachar

Diamond Mohd Zulshukri & Hamidah Nachar


Our Plan B Brought Us Unexpected Success

We signed up as ABOs in September 2007 to buy the eSpring Water Treatment System. At that time, we were already running our own businesses which included two night market stalls and a restaurant.

Even though our uplines Zolkafli Adam & Jalina Mahmood recognised our potential, it never crossed our minds to build our own Amway business as we were too busy running our conventional businesses. We gave our uplines all sorts of excuses just so we can give Amway a miss.

It was only after Founders Executive Diamond Hilna & Azilila explained the Amway Sales & Marketing Plan that we began to warm up to the idea of generating an inheritable income. That lead to us deciding to make our Amway business as our Plan B.

We achieved Platinum in 2009 and Founders Platinum in 2010, and also qualified for our first Amway Leadership Seminar in Dubai. In 2013, we achieved Emerald. Unfortunately, it was difficult for us to progress to the next level as we neglected to build a proper and organised system.

At that point, we decided to channel our effort towards growing our conventional businesses. However, while we were busy managing the latter, we did not realise that our Amway team continued to grow and produced many amazing leaders. When the pandemic hit, we had to close down all our conventional businesses.

Once again, we had to switch our focus, this time, back to our Amway business as it was our only source of income then. Much to our surprise, our Amway business grew almost threefold during this period. That is why we are ever so grateful that we managed to achieve our Diamond pin in August 2022. We feel so lucky that we have made Amway our Plan B, as this business has come to our rescue when we were in need.

We would like to thank Rich DeVos & Jay Van Andel for this great opportunity. Also, thanks to our parents who have prayed for our success and our children who have given us a lot of encouragement to succeed. Not forgetting, our mentors, uplines and team members, who are our backbone in this business, as well as the sidelines and leaders from the different groups who have shared their knowledge with us.

Our next mission is to share all the benefits and opportunities that Amway has to offer with even more people. If we can do it, so can you!